Adi Altshuler

Adi Altshuler is the Director of International Programs at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Adi directs the LL.M. and SJD programs, the student exchange program as well as the dual degree programs. Adi teaches an experiential course, Law Practice Field Study, to international J.D. students and is the advisor for the Northwestern Pritzker VIS Moot team that competes in the annual International arbitration competition in Vienna.

Adi received her J.D. and LL.M. degrees from the University of Chicago Law School and her LL.B. from the Tel Aviv University School of Law. She clerked for the Honorable Justice M. Beisky of the Supreme Court of Israel, and practiced as a corporate attorney, specializing in cross border transactions. At the University of Chicago, she was selected as the Ford Foundation Fellow in International Law. Adi is a frequent participant and contributor to professional conferences and associations and served, among others, on the Board of Directors of WorldChicago, on the final selection committee for law fellowships of the Open Society Institute, as Chair of the Section on Graduate Programs for Foreign Lawyers and Chair of the Section on Post Graduate Legal Education of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), and as Vice-Chair of the Foreign Legal Consultant Committee of the American Bar Association (ABA).